How Anansi Got His Stories
From the Ashanti culture of West Africa, comes a tale of Anansi the Spider. Nyame, god of the sky, owns all the stories. When Anansi asks Nyame to sell the stories to him, Nyame sets a high price. This tale tells how the cleverness of the trickster Anansi brought stories into the world.
Raven & Crow's Party
The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest have told stories of the Raven for generations. The lazy and perpetually hungry Raven neglects to store up for winter. When it turns cold, he has nothing to eat. Using his wits, Raven outsmarts his cousin Crow and ensures his fortune for years to come.
The Tiger, the Merchant, & the Jackal
India has many tricksters in its long history, but none so wily as the Jackal. When a naive young merchant sets a caged tiger free, he finds the tiger's gratitude isn't as large as his appetite. The merchant secures a promise that the tiger will not eat him until after three creatures have judged the situation. The merchant tries in vain to find a creature that will side with him until he meets the crafty jackal. Will the jackal prevent the young merchant from being the tiger's next meal?